Giving Life to Legacy Apps with Docker

With aging applications and infrastructure, transitioning to the Cloud doesn’t have to involve refactoring or rewriting of code. In this article, I will walk you through one way to perform how to make the transition.

Giving Life to Legacy Apps with Docker

With aging applications and infrastructure, transitioning to the  Cloud doesn’t have to involve refactoring or rewriting of code.  In  fact, using virtual machines (VM) in the Cloud might seem like a viable  option for transition without refactoring, but it doesn’t leverage the  true benefits of being in the Cloud.  By using Docker containers to  package up an application, organizations can shift to the cloud with no  code changes while leveraging increased security, auto-scaling, and  self-healing capabilities.  In this article, I will walk you through one  way to perform this transition.

Containerizing an Application

If a build system already exists for an application, the best method  for a first iteration is to create a container image that has the build  artifacts copied in.  If a build system doesn’t exist, creating a  multi-stage build is likely the best approach but also sligthly more  advanced.


Here’s a Dockerfile (a script that defines how a container image is  created) that shows how to create a container image and copy in the  build artifacts for an application.  The end result is a container image  that can be run your application in the Cloud or on your local machine  if you wish.

FROM ubuntu:latest
COPY ./artifacts /app
CMD /app/

On line 1 of the Dockerfile, the latest release of Ubuntu is being  chosen as the operating system for running he application.  The neat  part here is that many OS images are regularly updated with patches, so  you won’t ever have to think about OS patches as long as you deploy  often enough (which I recommend via a CI/CD pipeline).  On line 2, the  artifacts of an application are being copied in to the /app folder in  the container.  If the artifacts of a build are on a shared network  location, then using something like RUN wget -r will do the trick.  Finally on line 3, the default command that will be  called when this container runs will execute (though this  can be overridden).

Build the Container Image

The command to make use of the Dockerfile is going to look something like this: docker build -t <docker hub username>/<container name>:<version tag> . (Note the ‘.’ at the end).

The -t specifies the tag that  will be given to this container image.  This tag is how the image is  referred to when interacting (more on this later).  For naming and  versioning a container, it is common to name with the name of the  application and to version with a date.

Storing the Container Image

Once a container image is created, it needs to be placed in a  container registry that can be accessed by the infrastructure that will  be serving the application.  Assuming that an account exists on Docker  Hub, the command to push the newly created contianer image to Docker Hub  will be docker push <docker hub username>/<container name>:<version tag>.  Once this is complete, the application is now ready to be deployed.


There are several of offerings for running containers in the Cloud,  but Microsoft’s Azure is my Cloud of choice for many reasons.  Within  Azure, there are at least 5 services to which a container can be  deployed (probably more, but it took me less than 10 seconds to think of  those 5).  The service that I will focus on in this article is the Azure Container Instance.

Testing Locally

To test or play with the container locally before deploying to ensure  that it is operating as expected, the base command is going to be  something like this: docker run -it --rm <docker hub username>/<container name>:<version tag>.   Depending on the specific situation, other options might need to be  specified.  Once verified, the container can be deployed with  confidence.

How to Deploy

Container instances are dead simple for deploying containers.  All  that is necessary is an active Azure subscription.  To create the  container instance, open the Azure Portal and select Create a resouce in the top left corner.  Select Containers and then Container Instances.  At this screen, set Container name to be what this resource should be called.  Set the Container image field to <docker hub username>/<container name>:<version tag>, select Private if your image is not publicaly accessible and enter your registry  credentials.  Once all of the fields have been filled out, select OK.

Creating a Container Instance

On the next screen (Configuration), set these options in a way that  make sense for the application being deployed.  At this point, the  Container instance is ready to be created.  Select OK a few more times.

Checking out the Deployed Service

Now the service is deployed, so it’s time to test it out.  If your  service has a REST api, the IP address and domain name can be obtained  in the Azure Portal on the page for the container instance.

Wrapping Up

This article has shown the general method for transitioning an  application to the Cloud.  There are many offerings out there and some  will make more sense and have more service offerings suited to your  applications needs.  Don’t be afraid to try them out – they are all  great in their own ways.

More Resources

If this article has piqued your interest, here are some resources that you might benefit from:

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